Growing up in a placid working class suburb of Louisville KY, there weren't families heading off for road trips to California every 3-4- summers, but that's what me and my mom did!.
My parents had been stationed in Long Beach for a few years during and after WW 2. He was an Army doctor. When he was mustered out in '49 we all returned to their ancestral homeland in the midwest - first SW Missouri (his home), then they got divorded and me and mom returned to Loiusville, the closest civilization to her southwest Indiana home. My mom really enjoyed her time in California, because every few years thereafter she and I would load ourselves into her big ole Chevrolet sedan and drive west. A couple of times I was allowed to bring a friend (great fun, memories we still share). Once we brought a friend of hers, a busybody neighbor with her spoiled daughter. That trip was not a success. Most trips it was just me and my mom.
Those were highlights of my youth – Staying in mid-range motels, taking a few days to get across the plains, few days visiting their Army buddy in Colorado, then on to California! Always Disneyland, always the Grand Canyon coming home, Yellowstone t-3 times, San Francisco one memorable time when I was in high school and almost "went native" :))
I definitely caught the cross-country travel bug.
By the mid-00's I was single and had moved to Reno. Reno turns out to be an excellent home base for travel all over the West. Straight shot west to the Bay Area, straight shot south to the LA-Sandiego megaplex, all points East on I-80, and north ... well, it kinda desolate up there, but Reno to Portland is a beautiful drive.
I was doing software work out of my home, and taking ever more ambitions trips and started thinking aboutI could use the ever more personal and powerful computer technology - the web, word processors, digital cameras - to convey travel experiences.
The rest of me on the internet: