Hayden Flat

nearest town: Big Bar CA

part of: Trinity National Forest

A Forest Service Campground in the Nor Cal region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 40.7825,-123.3467

Bathroom: pit • Water: yes

The campground is on both sides of 299:

- a few cramped little spots downhill on the bluff above the Trinity River,

- another set of much more spacious sites on the uphill side, in a pleasant little wooded glen away from the river.

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Some ATT cellphone reception but not great.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

September 21, 2015 ($12.00 • $6.00) September 21, 2015 ($12.00 • $6.00)

The parking spaces at the back of the loop farthest from the road did not appear to be level.

The host told me that site #2 was good, and it is.