McClure Campground

nearest town: Paonia CO

part of: Grand Mesa Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests

A Forest Service Campground in the Colorado region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 39.1239,-107.3126

Bathroom: pit • Water: no

Elevation: 8,200' A nice place to stop early on Saturday afternoon. Most of the sites are in the pines and have good shade. The ones on the edges are in the aspens, so not as shady.

Spot keywords:
quietfreeshadyroad noise

Some ATT cellphone reception but not great.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

August 20, 2016 (free!) August 20, 2016 (free!)

Elevation: 8,200' A nice place to stop early on Saturday afternoon. Most of the sites are in the pines and have good shade. The ones on the edges are in the aspens, so not as shady.