Pelican Lake Campground

nearest town: Ouray UT

part of: BLM, Vernal Office

A Bureau of Land Management Campground in the Utah region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 40.1828,-109.6914

Bathroom: pit • Water: no

Very hot here. But it's a dry heat. The lake sounds kind of underwhelming from the BLM page, but there is a boat ramp and picnic area which looks like it has the best morning shade in this whole godforsaken acreage.

The actual campground is a few hundred yards up the road before the boat launch. Once the sun got low it was really very pleasant there. Hawks and owls hanging out in the tree at my campsite!

Spot keywords:
freelakeno shadegraveldustyunderused

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

August 29, 2016 (free!) August 29, 2016 (free!)
(see main description above)