Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SpotsPlaceId::$title is deprecated in /home/johnfree/whufu/class.Pages.php on line 251

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SpotsPlaceId::$headerClause is deprecated in /home/johnfree/whufu/class.Pages.php on line 254

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WhuDbSpots::$parms is deprecated in /home/johnfree/whufu/class.Things.php on line 758

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property WhuCategorys::$desc is deprecated in /home/johnfree/whufu/class.Things.php on line 1538

Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property SpotsPlaceId::$spots is deprecated in /home/johnfree/whufu/class.Pages.php on line 259
WHUFU: Spots in Mohave Desert

Spots in Mohave Desert

map viewthumbnails

name where part of type
Jumbo Rocks Campground Joshua Tree CA Joshua Tree National Park CAMP
Desert Hot Springs Resort Desert Hot Springs CA LODGE, HOTSPR
Salton Sea State Recreation Area Bombay Beach CA California State Parks CAMP
White Tanks Campground Joshua Tree CA Joshua Tree National Park CAMP
Days Inn Victorville CA LODGE