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See the new baby

WHUFU Trip: April 2016 Baby and Oregon | 0

Tuesday April 12 is the Grand Opening of the very cool looking new Virginia Street Bridge in Reno, and I decided I wanted to go to that. Friday April 15 is the almost debut (second show, I believe) of the … Continued

Catch me some Oregon

WHUFU Trip: April 2016 Baby and Oregon | 0

My three nights are up, so time to get going. I have a pretty short drive today, so I do not actually leave until 2:30-ish. The construction stoppage epidemic has spread to 101 north! I spend a while at two different stops. … Continued

Time to leave the Coast

WHUFU Trip: April 2016 Baby and Oregon | 0

On this part of the coast there’s the beach, then a 30′ high natural levee (foredune as the sign calls it :), then about 200 yards of low scrub, then miles of impenetrable bay/cypress/waxmyrtle thickets and even swamps – same … Continued