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Another 395 Quickie

WHUFU Trip: 395 | 0

My plan was to stay home for September and watch the leaves start to turn from my house. But I’m bored and the 395 corridor is calling. So I’m doing a three night midweek quickie. It’s really quite amazing how … Continued

Fall Colors Quickie

WHUFU Trip: 395 | 0

I have attended my first of the month event, so it’s time to think about gettin out on the road and gettin me some Autumn! A feature of the social media age is that you can be much more closely wired to … Continued

February Hot Springs

WHUFU Trip: 395 | 0

I get on the road a little before noon – pretty good for me – return library books and pick up a salad and sando, and I’m on the road! Diesel in Carson City – $1.89/gal – I never thought I would see gas … Continued

An unusually mild February

WHUFU Trip: 395 | 0

When I don’t have to be any particular place any particular time it’s sometimes hard for me to get going. I walked over to the barber shop on Tuesday in preparation for a trip where there would be no showers … Continued