meta name='description': Browse stories for WHUFU Trip: August 2017 – Return to Eureka

Back for Chad’s Birthday

I can’t quit Eureka it seems! Chad’s family and lifelong roots are still there, so he and the entire crew are returning this weekend for his birthday. For my part, after six straight weeks of 90°-105° days, I am more than … Continued

Catch a little Oregon Coast Fog

Didn’t sleep great again, but awoke more or less refreshed. I half feel like I’m getting sick. Hope not. Didn’t hang around in the casino parking lot a long time, instead hustled off to Brookings, where I (re) discovered a … Continued

Forest Fires everywhere and the Eclipse

Friday after breakfast Today was a beautiful drive from the mouth of the mighty Umpqua at Reedsport inland to where it’s just a stream east of I-5. When I got to the turnoff for my presumed destination, Tyee Campground the river was … Continued