My Weird 2021 Summer
Going into summer my plan was to take one more BIG 10-15 week road trip while I still can. But then out of nowhere came the opportunity to buy the house next to the family in Petaluma. The ensuing two weeks … Continued
Going into summer my plan was to take one more BIG 10-15 week road trip while I still can. But then out of nowhere came the opportunity to buy the house next to the family in Petaluma. The ensuing two weeks … Continued
The smell of smoke all night long used to be a (slightly annoying) reminder that you are camping. Tonight however, I am wondering whether it’s my neighbor’s stupid campfire that they stupidly left smoldering all night, or if some new … Continued
Another non-smoky day. In our modern environmental hellscape, every summer day without wildfire smoke is a blessing. I hung around my trashy campsite until almost 1 pm, then it was time to hit the road. Garberville is the closest place with restaurants. … Continued