Hard to get started during a cold snap
I got messed up by a cold front This is a very low tech image of six weather maps of this trip. My subscription to the Reno Gazette-Journal gets me the Wednesday and Sunday physical papers delivered. They were in a nice … Continued
Beautiful Streams of the Northern Sierra
I plan to camp at McCloud Falls tonight. So, north on I-5, cross Lake Shasta, then turn east before Mount Shasta. Not a very long drive, and pretty pleasant if this part if I-5 isn’t too thick with big rigs. … Continued
Nostalgic Eureka Visit
Leaving Day! So sad. Checkout is 11 am, so I expected quite a lot of drama and traffic leaving, but there wasn’t really. All of my campmates were gone by 9:30. Martha & family taking a right on 101 heading south back … Continued
Fun-filled Labor Day Weekend in the Redwoods
I am leaving the family in Petaluma today and with the plan of reuniting tomorrow at the campground. As mentioned above, Chad’s family, the MacDonald’s, have a short but sturdy tradition of camping Labor Day Weekend at a campground on … Continued
Family Fun in Petaluma
I have an easy drive today, so in typical fashion I procrastinate on my packing and end up doing it all today. I dawdled at the Jungle (actually Cafe Capello, sigh) till 1-ish. Picking clothes, packing food, plates and utensils, cleaning … Continued
Up 395 and over to Lake Tahoe
Saturday Afternoon in Bishop My reservation at Benton Hot Springs is for tomorrow night (woo!). So what to do with tonight? I’m still a little fragile, so the easiest is to hang around Bishop today and camp up the hill tonight – … Continued
Down US 95 to Goldfield
It’s the time of month when i start thinking about visiting the family in Petaluma, but they’ve got a lot going on so it’s not a good time to visit. Works for me, I am overdue for a little 395 adventure … Continued
The Camping Part of the Trip
This really is Leavin Day. The sky was clear on the morning but it didn’t last. Good for me that I got my water system operational (i.e. I filled up the tank) before the downpour started. Bad for me that … Continued
The Family Part of the Trip
Martha actually texted me and invited me to come visit them during the upcoming school holiday week, so here I go! I was so excited that I sorta forgot that it is also the first week of March Madness, which … Continued
Closing stanza of the trip
By my standards, $25 is a lot to pay for a spot where I pull into after dark and pull out of 20 minutes after I get up. But it was cheaper than a motel, and this night I think it … Continued