Williamson River Campground

nearest town: Chiloquin OR

part of: Winema National Forest

A Forest Service Campground in the Oregon region.

Number of visits: 2

GPS: 42.6598,-121.8523

Bathroom: pit • Water: yes

1.6 miles of unpleasant washboardy gravel road. The same turnoff as Collier State Park - cheaper, and you get what you pay for! Flat, featureless, 3' tall undergrowth and 60' tall ponderosa pines scattered about. There is a trail to the Williamson River about 1/3 mile away.

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Some ATT cellphone reception but not great.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

August 29, 2015 ($10.00 • $5.00) August 29, 2015 ($10.00 • $5.00)

well, well, three years later, and the exact same site calls to me! The big boy trailers are lining the outside of the campground loop, so spot 8 on the inside looks good, I angle myself away from everybody for that illusion of privacy.

This place is super boring, but so is this entire 150 miles or so of US 97. I tried out my theory that going really fast on washboardy roads is easier than going really slow, and it worked great! I put up a hell of a dust plume, but I got through that 1.5 mies crappy road really quick!

The vermin keyword is because a chipmunk jumped in the van with me this morning - not cool!

August 31, 2012 ($10.00 • $5.00) August 31, 2012 ($10.00 • $5.00)

I took the trail, and when I got to the river I wished I'd brought my swimming trunks, because the water was very inviting.