Wetmore Campground

nearest town: Unity OR

part of: Wallowa-Whitman National Forest

A Forest Service Campground in the Oregon region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 44.5238,-118.304

Bathroom: pit • Water: no

Developed yet rustic and primitive, if that makes any sense. It's laid out nicely, but seems terribly underused and under-maintained. There are non-working no water spigots and a "No Water" sign. The fact that the Forest Service charges only $5 tells you what you need to know about the condition of the place.

I however am liking it just fine and am happy to be here!

Yellow Pine Campground is 1/2 away, much bigger and more open, but also underused and under-maintained. Six campers in a 40 site place on Fourth of July

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Some ATT cellphone reception but not great.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

July 03, 2016 ($5.00 • $2.50) July 03, 2016 ($5.00 • $2.50)
(see main description above)