nearest town: Tonopah NV
part of: Mizpah Hotel
A Hotel/Motel in the Nevada region.
Number of visits: 1
GPS: 38.0681,-117.2301
Bathroom: yes • Water: yes
Hostel-style lodging in a cool-looking renovated brewery building behind the actual Mitzpah. Register in the hotel, walk out the back door and across the street and there you are.
My room is just a bed and a nightstand. The bathroom is across the hall.
There is a shared kitchen/fridge. Shampoos and such are in a basket in the kitchen.
It's quite comfortable!
Someone came in late at night which made me realize how thin the walls are. Hard-soled steps in the hallway sounded like they were three feet away ... which they are, but the wall is supposed to muffle it!