day 1
183 miles
183 total
big chunk of driving to get started
blasting down I-80, the (not) mighty Humboldt River Valley to Winnemucca
day 2
171 miles
354 total
Winnemucca - Denio Jct - Sheldon
North outta Winnemucca, lunch in Denio Junction, Tufferina Ponds, vast solitude
Sheldon - Surprise Valley - Modoc
start 2PM because camp site was soooo excellent!
vast nothingness, gravel roads, Cedarville, make the Ranger Station before closing, lovely woman's restaurant, wifi
day 4
165 miles
594 total
heading home
Donuts in Alturas, great 2 hours in Wildlife Preserve - Cinnamon Teals, Lesser Sandhill Cranes, amazing. Terrible decision to go around HoneyLake, cost me 50 miles and gas and aggravation. Home for RiverFest!