San Elijo State Park

nearest town: Cardiff CA

part of: California State Parks

A State Park Campground in the So Cal region.

Number of visits: 2

GPS: 33.0254,-117.2894

Bathroom: yes • Water: no

Expensive, but oh so cool, on the bluffs at Cardiff CA. The town is right across the highway, great bluff-waking for miles northward, Cardiff Beach and beach side restaurants southward.

Mornings and evenings are often pretty gray and damp. Nice firepits.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

February 20, 2013 ($35.00) February 20, 2013 ($35.00)

stayed on the slightly cheaper away from the bluffs side, near the bathroom, and the access gate to the road.

We wanted to stay at the beach later than the check-out time on our last day so I moved the van over road and it was perfect - basically about 40' fom where we spent the last two days, same bathroom and showers, everything!

March 16, 2011 ($50.00) March 16, 2011 ($50.00)
(see main description above)