nearest town: Pagosa Springs CO
part of: private
A Hot Soak, Hotel/Motel in the Colorado region.
Number of visits: 3
GPS: 37.267,-107.01
Bathroom: yes • Water: yes
This a soaking wonderland! There are at least 15 different pools ranging from lukewarm to very hot, arranged on many levels on the hillside along the San Juan River. There are pools at river's edge, so you can hop from very hot to very cold water.
I was first here in 1995, and the place has gotten way more developed and expensive since then.
Since it is Memorial Day is is a very crowded and busy.
The next day I had a nasty intestinal bug. So the visit was not perfect,
but the soaking is excellent.
The new innovation is segregating 5 pools into an adults only area that you have to pay extra for. On this insanely busy holiday I did pay extra, and was glad I did.