Le Page Campground

nearest town: Umatilla OR

part of: Army Corps of Engineers

A Army Corps of Engineers Campground in the Oregon region.

Number of visits: 2

GPS: 45.7263,-120.6498

Bathroom: pit • Water: yes

At the mouth of the John Day River. Mostly families with big boats and big RVs. Like Army Corps campgrounds in general, it's a highly controlled place.

I-84 is 1/3 mile away and it is line of sight with nothing but water between it and you, so it's pretty noisy.

Quite pretty though, looking right out on the bay ... between the parallel parked big rigs and all their big toys.

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Some ATT cellphone reception but not great.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

August 30, 2018 ($22.00 • $11.00) August 30, 2018 ($22.00 • $11.00)

Site 16 is right next to the bathrooms, but everyone else has a giant RV so the bathrooms don't seem to be heavily used. So this is actually better than looking at the blank wall of one of those RV buses. Oops, wind shifted, I can smell the septic tank - never mind, not better.

No phone reception this time ... bummer.

The campground has pit toilets, but on my walk I noticed that the restroom over by the park and boat launch has showers!

It's very windy.

October 23, 2013 ($20.00 • $10.00) October 23, 2013 ($20.00 • $10.00)

All the sites on the away from the river side are basically the same - diagonal parking, picnic table and firepit.