Humbug Mountain State Park

nearest town: Port Orford OR

part of: Oregon State Parks

A State Park Campground in the Oregon Coast region.

Number of visits: 3

GPS: 42.6897,-124.4362

Bathroom: yes • Water: yes

Driven past many times, finally stopping!

Good news: It's in a lush, peaceful crevice in the mountains along a little burbling stream which opens onto a driftwood-strewn beach 1/2 mile away.

Bad news: US 101, also runs through the same narrow crevice so you rarely hear the burbling stream. You hear semis rocketing past 40 yards away all night.

In the summer, you can camp in the Lower Loop, 600 yds from the beach. In the winter you have to walk (or bike!) an extra mile from the Upper Loop.

Spot keywords:
beachhikeroad noiseshower

No usable cellphone reception for ATT.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

August 14, 2017 ($17.00) August 14, 2017 ($17.00)

The Lower Loop is open! Both other times Ive been here were off-season, so one has to stay in the Upper Loop and walk the mile or so through the Lower Loop to get to the beach. Since I'm still not waking great being this much closer to the beach is pretty brilliant.

Site 83 is OK, but not awesome. It gets decent afternoon shade, but it's angled so that everybody walking down the road looks at your business, and since the bathroom/showers are four sites away, that's basically everybody. Also, direct line of sight to 101, so it's even noisier.

April 19, 2016 ($17.00) April 19, 2016 ($17.00)

This cool, shady glen is hitting the spot. If only the noise of US 101 wasn't 50 yards away.

Good phone bars at the beach! Beach is almost a mile down the canyon, through the main part of the campground, which has always been closed when I've been here.

February 18, 2015 ($13.00) February 18, 2015 ($13.00)

Driven past many times, finally stopping!

Good news: It's in a lush crevice in the mountains along a little stream which opens onto a driftwood-strewn beach 1/2 mile away.

Bad news: The coast highway, also runs through that crevice so even though it's shielded by thick underbrush, you hear semis rocketing past 150 yards away all night.