Grover Hot Springs

nearest town: Markleeville CA

part of: California State Parks

A State Park Campground, Hot Soak in the Lake Tahoe region.

Number of visits: 6

GPS: 38.6962,-119.8435

Bathroom: yes • Water: yes

The springs at Grover gurgle out of the hillside into a beautiful U-shaped alpine meadow. So it should be a groovy, enchanted place, but sadly it is managed by the State Parks system, who do their darnedest to make it prosaic and institutional.

The pools are a couple of rectangular concrete tubs - a big one with lukewarm water, and a shallow (3 feet) one, maybe 40x20 which they keep at a pleasantly toasty 104°. You can look over the fence on the uphill side and see the water burble out of the ground and down a sluice to you.

There are showers and cubbyholes to store your stuff.

There is a campground, which I have never used since it's CA State Parks expensive and there is boondocking three miles down the road.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

October 16, 2020 ($10.00) October 16, 2020 ($10.00)

Because of COVID, the showers and changing room are closed, and one MUST reserve beforehand for a specific 1½ hour time slot.

The hot pool is just as excellent as ever once you're in.

October 09, 2015 ($7.00) October 09, 2015 ($7.00)

Soaking is $7/day.