Lower Wind River Campground

nearest town: Shoshoni WY

part of: Boysen State Park

A State Park Campground in the Wyoming region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 43.4419,-108.1721

Bathroom: pit • Water: yes

Boysen State Park takes up much of the land around Boysen Reservoir and the river creating it. There are many campgrounds spaced far apart. This is the second or third on the river instead of the lake, and the last one heading towards Thermopolis, right on the edge of the Indian Reservation, where the fishing rules change.

Nice shady cottonwoods to hang out under. US 20 is too close and tonight there are way too many bugs.

Spot keywords:
riverroad noiseshadywildlifequietbuggy

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

July 11, 2016 ($17.00) July 11, 2016 ($17.00)
(see main description above)