Tepee Springs

nearest town: Thermopolis WY

part of: private

A Hot Soak in the Wyoming region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 43.652,-108.2

Bathroom: yes • Water: yes

Wonderful private facility inside Hot Springs State Park. See also Thermopolis Hot Springs, for the free facility a few yards away.

This had pretty much everything - an indoor water slide, an outdoor water slide, big pools in and out, basketball hoops in and out, very hot tubs, medium hot tubs, and my most favorite things, hot waterfalls.

The one inside was done up scenically as their centerpiece decoration but you could still get under it. The one outside didn't try to be fancy, it was just PCV pipe dropping a stream mineral water from 8' up. Just perfect.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

July 12, 2016 ($15.00 • $10.50) July 12, 2016 ($15.00 • $10.50)
(see main description above)