Arch Rock Campground

nearest town: Moorcroft WY

part of: Keyhole State Park

A State Park Campground in the Wyoming region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 44.3613,-104.7625

Bathroom: pit • Water: yes

Keyhole State Park covers quite an extensive corner of the Keyhole Reservoir, and there are 6-ish separate campgrounds.

The main road is paved, but the campground roads are gravel, leading me to deduce that the bigger the loop, the more gravel dust will cover you as the diesel trucks go round and round. So I am at Arch Rock Campground, the first loop and one of the smallest. Also, no boat ramp means fewer trucks.

Spot keywords:
hugelakefishinggraveldustycheck-inhikesno privacysome shadelevel sites

Some ATT cellphone reception but not great.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

July 13, 2016 ($13.00) July 13, 2016 ($13.00)
(see main description above)