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Myre - Big Island Campground

nearest town: Albert Lea MN

part of: Minnesota State Parks

A State Park Campground in the Corn Belt region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 43.6359,-93.3026

Bathroom: yes • Water: yes

Not real happy here. I am tired and there's no other good options around here, but this is a lot to pay for a place to park. Once I get past check-in, it turns out that the mosquitoes are almost too vicious to deal with. Despite the heat and humidity I live with all doors closed.

On the other hand, it's nearly full moon, and along with mosquitoes they have fireflies! So I bundle up i my long pants and hoodie and go on a delightful moonlight walk around the gravel roads of the park. Staying in the open fields of course - the bugs are truly unbearable when you venture into the wooded areas.

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ATT cellphone reception was good.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

July 17, 2016 ($26.50) July 17, 2016 ($26.50)
(see main description above)