nearest town: Tonopah NV
part of: private
A private Campground in the Nevada region.
Number of visits: 3
GPS: 38.0725,-117.2345
Bathroom: no • Water: bo
Finally, an easy place to stay in Tonopah! I guess it's been here all along, I just never noticed it. The Banc Club is a modest little building full of slot machines, and they have a large gravel parking lot next door with a sign that says RVs welcome! An easy walk to downtown Tonopah ... such as it is.
Western edge of the lot again. Uneventful evening, just the way we like it! Cold and windy.
I parked on the western edge of the lot this time, which gives me a great view of the valley.
Phone reception was not good this time. Bad LTE that suddenly said "Off Network LTE", which doesn't sound good at all.
First time here. I parked on the edge, facing away from the road and into a dirt embankment. Not very scenic, but quiet and dark.
Nice sunset from the other edge of the lot!