Drift Creek Landing Campground

nearest town: Waldport OR

part of: private

A private Campground in the Oregon Coast region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 44.4141,-124.0053

Bathroom: yes • Water: yes

A shabby but very comfortable little RV park a few miles up the Alsea River from Waldport. A little landing and a snackbar that was open on Sunday.

Spot keywords:
quietriverboatingpay showercoffee

ATT cellphone reception was good.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

August 25, 2018 ($20.00) August 25, 2018 ($20.00)

These folks gave me a place to sleep on an August Saturday night when there was literally not an open campsite for about 100 miles of Oregon coast, From Brookings to Yachats. So they are all right with me.