nearest town: Bismarck ND
part of: County Park
A County Campground in the the Dakotas region.
Number of visits: 1
GPS: 46.6873,-100.8019
Bathroom: no • Water: no
It would be an insult to campgrounds to call this one. it's just a gravel road in the bottomland (right inside the levee in fact), with turnouts where you can pull off and park.
Random OHVs roar past well into the night. It is the road to the Little Heart Gun Range.
I stopped a fellow driving out to ask about spots further along, and he said "well... they might be kinda noisy because of the shooting range". That's where he was coming from. I thanked him for the heads up.
There is a turnout on the right immediately after the levee, facing on to a pond. That is where I have settled, and it really pretty nice except that the mosquitoes are so thick I fear to open a window or door.