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Givens Hot Springs

nearest town: Melba ID

part of: private

A private Campground, Hot Soak in the Idaho region.

Number of visits: 1

GPS: 43.4155,-116.7067

Bathroom: • Water: no

Old, charmingly decrepit place on the Snake River south of Boise.

The hot springs is basically a spring-fed indoor swimming pool. It's a nice temperature, especially after you find the 3-4 spots where the hot water comes in. There's a basketball hoop and 20-30 little beachballs floating around, so one can pass the time shooting hoops.

Spot keywords:
hot springspoolquietwifi

Some ATT cellphone reception but not great.

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Notes on each visit (posted cost • senior cost):

October 14, 2019 ($20.00) October 14, 2019 ($20.00)

Everything is pretty low key here. The quite strikingly fine older woman at the desk took my $20 and said I could park anywhere I want out back. No one else is camping tonight, so she suggested I take RV site 1, closest to the pools. It was perfect.