nearest town: Fort Bragg CA
part of: private
A Hotel/Motel in the North Coast region.
Number of visits: 1
GPS: 39.4266,-123.8039
Bathroom: yes • Water: yes
In the harbor area. You can see it far below you from 101 in the east side of the bridge over the Noyes River.
The "office" is the cashier on the second floor of Silver's at The Wharf across the parking lot.
It's also great place to return to for a sunset beer.
Very user-friendly place.
Upstairs rooms are $10 cheaper, but they were full.
T-Mobile cellphone reception was good.
Room 12 is the best. On the edge closest to the fence.
Backing in my van to the nearest spot makes a lot of privacy and still a decent sunset view.
The official smoking area for the restaurant staff is right outside, but nobody uses it.
Enjoyed the restaurant bar and a nice walk around the harbor.