day 1
176 miles
176 total
Susanville to Howards Gulch
pretty easy drive to a very pretty campsite
day 2
265 miles
441 total
Tule Lake to Klamath Falls to Sisters
I love this part of the world, the Wildlife Refuge and Klamath Falls
day 3
200 miles
641 total
to the Portland burbs and crappy traffic
started too late to get to Specialty Vans in time, sigh...
repair day
back and forth, forth and back, but I got my stuff done
day 5 - the gorge
day 5 - the gorge
day 6
116 miles
822 total
day 6 - Multonamah Falls
day 6 - Multonamah Falls
day 7
111 miles
933 total
day 7 - Willamette Falls
day 7 - Willamette Falls
day 8
214 miles
1,147 total
day 8 - hot springs
day 8 - hot springs
day 9
154 miles
1,301 total
day 9 - Bend
day 9 - Bend
day 10 - Alturas
day 10 - Alturas
day 11 - home
day 11 - home